Friday, August 13, 2010

Martial Arts and Fitness

Martial Arts and Fitness

There are many ways to keep physically fit or the current state if you're already physically fit. More than fifty million people belong to the physical integrity of health and fitness of all kinds and types to visit her three fifty-seven times per week in an effort to maintain a measure of good health by regulating weight and fitness. Most of these health centers stressful routine strength training and cardiovascular only. Participants are only interested in one season effort "Look Good" for an event or an opportunity rather than a sincere interest in maintaining their health in general. Few, if any, of fitness programs that address the physical and mental good health. The philosophy of martial arts is that the mind and body to achieve balanced and maintained to be in good health. Coupling practice of one of the many forms of martial arts and fitness is the best way to maintain overall health. As a student and a teacher of martial arts nearly fifty years with a second degree black belt, I believe that the preservation of health, to get a good balanced diet and exercising daily physical and mental body. There is no better way to get this practice is not some form of martial arts.

Originally, the purpose of martial arts self defense and preservation of life. These needs exist on, but are no longer the main reasons why people study and practice martial arts. Training in the martial arts has many benefits, both physically and mentally. Thanks to the systematic practice of Martial Arts fitness of a person is excited, strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination of movements. The whole body is perceived as a whole muscle is activated. The practice of Martial Arts is an effective way to repel the many problems and diseases of modern society and a sedentary lifestyle, and contributes to a weakened immune system.

Taekwondo is the world's most popular sport in Asia in terms of the number of practitioners. His popularity has led to the development of these various forms of martial arts in various fields. Like many other forms of martial arts, it combines combat techniques, self defense, sport, exercise, meditation and philosophy. Taekwondo is a form of defense of South Korea itself and is as popular as baseball in Korea is the United states.

There are two types of Taekwondo, traditional sport. Taekwondo is a traditional martial art of pure self-defense, that underline power. The form of the sport has a slightly different emphasis, where he focuses on speed and competition as in combat. However, the differences between the two forms are often blurred. Taekwondo training generally includes a system of blocks, kicks, punches, strikes to the hand, and can also take-downs or different sweeps, throws, joint locks, and meditation. Some taekwondo instructors also include self-defense techniques borrowed from judo and aikido. It is easy to see how tight a strict practice of taekwondo body and the cardiovascular system to keep the same time. The study and practice martial arts and fitness was Childs early in life, a decade ago to set up, they will grow into a life-long student of fitness, nutrition, and meditation. They will be the confidence to compete in the competitive world and to overcome his fears in conflict situations.

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